Biologic fixation through bridge plating for comminuted shaft fracture of the clavicle: technical aspects and prospective clinical experience with a minimum of 12-month follow-up.
Jung GH, Park CM, Kim JD. Biologic fixation through bridge plating for comminuted shaft fracture of the clavicle: technical aspects and prospective clinical experience with a minimum of 12-month follow-up. Clin Orthop Surg. 2013 Dec;5(4):327-33.
For comminuted shaft fracture of clavicle, the operative goal, aside from sound bone healing without complications of direct reduction, is maintenance of the original length in order to maintain the normal biomechanics of adjacent joint. Our bridge plating technique utilizing distraction through a lumbar spreader was expected to be effective for restoring clavicular length with soft tissue preservation. However, there are two disadvantages. First, there is more exposure to radiation compared to conventional plating; and second, it is difficult to control the rotational alignment. Despite these disadvantages, our technique has important benefits, in particular, the ability to preserve clavicular length without soft tissue injury around the fracture site.
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