Spontaneous healing of a displaced bucket-handle tear of the lateral meniscus in a child

Han JH, Song JG, Kwon JH, Kang KW, Shah D, Nha KW. Spontaneous healing of a
displaced bucket-handle tear of the lateral meniscus in a child. Knee Surg Relat 
Res. 2015 Mar;27(1):65-7.



Bucket-handle tears less frequently occur in the lateral meniscus than in the medial meniscus. An 11-year-old male patient complained of painful swelling and locking due to a displaced bucket-handle tear of the lateral meniscus. We recommended an arthroscopic surgery; however, the patient left the hospital without surgical treatment. Six weeks afterwards, he returned without any complain of pain and he regained full range of motion. The final follow-up magnetic resonance imaging showed reduction of the torn meniscal fragment without any signal changes suggestive of a meniscal tear. We report a rare case of an isolated displaced bucket-handle tear of the lateral meniscus in an 11-year-old patient that healed spontaneously without surgical intervention.


Bucket-handle tear; Child; Knee; Lateral meniscus.

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