Hip and knee arthroplasty: quo vadis?
Ho J, Meis JF, Nabuurs-Franssen M, Voss A. Hip and knee arthroplasty: quo vadis? Antimicrob Resist Infect Control. 2015 May 15;4:19.
Despite of the steady decrease of surgical site infection (SSI) over the last two decades, the incidence of SSI after hip and knee arthroplasty has recently surged. This may be explained by technical changes that may result in an increased risk of SSI, such as the broad implementation of fast track programs, and/or early interventions on suspected SSI. By definition, early intervention may lead to a higher SSI score, even in the absence of a true SSI. In any case, the reverse trend of SSI warrants further investigations.
Hip and knee arthroplasty; Surgical infection; The Netherlands
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