Prognostic factors of septic arthritis of hip in infants and neonates: minimum 5-year follow-up.

Lee SC, Shim JS, Seo SW, Lee SS. Prognostic factors of septic arthritis of hip
in infants and neonates: minimum 5-year follow-up. Clin Orthop Surg. 2015



The authors conducted the present study to identify clinical and radiological prognostic factors in infants and neonates with septic arthritis of the hip.


The authors retrospectively reviewed the records of 31 patients with septic arthritis of the hip. All of the patients were younger than 18 months old. Follow-up periods ranged from 5 to 17 years. The following potential variables for predicting the prognosis were included in the assessment: gender, age, underlying diseases, duration of symptoms, changes of hip joint in X-ray, concomitant osteomyelitis, elevation of erythrocyte sedimentation rate and C-reactive protein, sepsis, pus drainage, synovial fluid culture, and infecting organisms. Clinical and radiological prognoses were analyzed at the final follow-up.


Univariate analysis demonstrated that radiological prognoses were poorer in patients who had underlying diseases, a longer duration of symptoms, and pus drainage. However, on multivariate analysis, only the variable-duration of symptoms-was found to be statistically related with a poor radiological prognosis.


Although poor prognosis for patients with several underlying diseases and radiological changes has already been established, a favorable outcome might be expected with prompt surgical drainage and appropriate antibiotics.


Hip; Infant; Neonate; Prognosis; Septic arthritis.

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