Web Site Advertising and Sponsorship Policies for www.iorg.co.in


The purpose of this document is to define the policies of Indian Orthopaedic Research Group regarding advertising and sponsorship on the IORG website.


Advertising placed on the IORG Website site must be ethical, educational, and professional. IORG reserves the right to reject advertising copy and materials. IORG reserves the right to remove any advertisement placed on its Internet site at any time.

Acceptance of any advertisement does not indicate an endorsement byIORG of the products or services promoted, the company, or the claims made. Advertisements on the IORG Internet site may not use the IORG seal, name, or imply involvement of the IORG in the company or the product being promoted.


Sponsorship consists of grants in support of various subsections of the www.iorg.co.in web site. IORG will recogniz each granting company for its philanthropy in a specific and consistent manner. No editorial statement or endorsement of any company or product is included as part of any sponsorship grant. All financial support of the web site must be provided with no expectations of the IORG, other than providing the visibility to the company for providing the grant.


Product Advertising

1. Any advertisement that allows the viewer/reader to click through to the advertiser's Internet site may link to the company's page advertising the same product. The advertising company must provide to IORG the Internet web address (URL) for linking. IORG may choose to reject an advertisement if the target page is not acceptable.

2.The company desiring to advertise on the IORG Internet site is responsible for the computer programming (production) of the advertisement. IORG will post the advertisement on the requested Internet page and provide the requesting company the opportunity to approve the placement of the advertisement.

3.Advertisements placed on any IORG Internet page may use a limited amount of animation or movement, but this animation or movement cannot loop endlessly.IORG does not accept advertisements that 'pop-up' on the screen or are activated by a 'roll-over' of the computer mouse.

4.Only JPEG, GIF, and Flash (.swf) computer file formats are acceptable.

5.The IORG will not accept advertisements that, in the sole opinion of IORG, make unsubstantiated claims of therapeutic benefit for a particular product(s). The IORG may require an advertiser to provide valid, reliable scientific data to support any claims made in the advertisement.

6. IORG will not accept advertisements regarding pharmaceuticals, biomaterials, or medical devices not cleared for marketing by the DCGI India without a statement regarding the product's current DCGI clearance status for the particular use described.

7.IORG will not accept advertisements that include the photograph, picture, or likeness of a specific physician(s) or that includes an endorsement by a specific physician(s) on the IORG web site.

8.The sponsors or advertisers agree to indemnify and hold IORG, its employees, contractors, and agents, harmless against any and all damages, claims, judgments, losses, costs, and expenses (including attorneys' fees) that may be incurred, suffered, or sustained or imposed on the IORG, its employees, contractors, and agents, by reason of the sponsorship or advertisement.

9.IORG does not accept advertising for the following:

Medical publishers
Internet sites
Orthopaedic surgeons or orthopaedic practices
Medical expert witnesses
Other notices that name specific orthopaedic surgeons or practices or link to information about specific orthopaedic surgeons or practices

Inquiries related to the purchase of online advertising space should be directed to: indian.ortho@gmail.com



The IORG accepts sponsorship grants for any landing page linked from the home page.

The IORG attribution statement will include a copy of the granting company's logo and this logo graphic will be programmed as a hyperlink to the granting company's Internet site home page. IORG will program the hyperlink.

If IORG receives a grant for a specific program or project,  IORG will provide the granting company attribution on the Internet page for the specific activity.

Placement of sponsorship recognition is limited to landing pages. IORG does not recognize sponsorship grants on pages in which orthopaedic content or other program content is displayed.

In the event IORG receives a sponsorship grant for a landing page, IORG will not accept advertising for the page.

In the event that a company desires to provide a sponsorship grant for an IORG landing page on which advertising is already in place, the grant acceptance date and recognition for the grant is made following expiration of the advertising.