Typology of patients with fibromyalgia: cluster analysis of duloxetine study patients.

Lipkovich IA, Choy EH, Van Wambeke P, Deberdt W, Sagman D. Typology of
patients with fibromyalgia: cluster analysis of duloxetine study patients. BMC
Musculoskelet Disord. 2014 Dec 23;15:450



To identify distinct groups of patients with fibromyalgia (FM) with respect to multiple outcome measures.


Data from 631 duloxetine-treated women in 4 randomized, placebo-controlled trials were included in a cluster analysis based on outcomes after up to 12 weeks of treatment. Corresponding classification rules were constructed using a classification tree method. Probabilities for transitioning from baseline to Week 12 category were estimated for placebo and duloxetine patients (Ntotal = 1188) using logistic regression.


Five clusters were identified, from "worst" (high pain levels and severe mental/physical impairment) to "best" (low pain levels and nearly normal mental/physical function). For patients with moderate overall severity, mental and physical symptoms were less correlated, resulting in 2 distinct clusters based on these 2 symptom domains. Three key variables with threshold values were identified for classification of patients: Brief Pain Inventory (BPI) pain interference overall scores of <3.29 and <7.14, respectively, a Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQ) interference with work score of <2, and an FIQ depression score of ≥5. Patient characteristics and frequencies per baseline category were similar between treatments; >80% of patients were in the 3 worst categories. Duloxetine patients were significantly more likely to improve after 12 weeks than placebo patients. A sustained effect was seen with continued duloxetine treatment.


FM patients are heterogeneous and can be classified into distinct subgroups by simple descriptive rules derived from only 3 variables, which may guide individual patient management. Duloxetine showed higher improvement rates than placebo and had a sustained effect beyond 12 weeks.

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